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Mosman Oval Makeover

A recent council meeting has passed Mosman’s request for $4.93million to be allocated towards a new pavilion at a Mosman Oval.  The August 2018 pavilion budget, $3 million, has now been increased by $1.93 million when developers decided solar panels, external access and many more additions were needed to the Allan Border Oval Pavilion.  Senior…

COVID-19, A Godsend for Hackers

With COVID-19 forcing most Australian’s to work from home the number of scams circulating the web are on a steep increase. During the COVID crisis, internet and electronic device usage has soared above normal rates which has resulted in a large number of individuals being scammed from the safety of their own houses. The Australian…

NSW’s Selfish Secret

Dozens of countries are struggling with a lack of PPE as NSW locks $1 billion worth of equipment away in Sydney safe houses NSW Government has boastfully bought $1 billion worth of personal protective equipment to deal with the possibility of another COVID-19 outbreak. Hundreds of millions of pieces of PPE are being held in…

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